Most Common Rental Disputes In Dubai and How To Resolve Them

Dubai’s dynamic fluidity in combination with diverse expatriate community and population often results to an interplay of multifaceted disputes in the real estate sector. This disputes often stem from heterogenous cultural norms and practices in conjunction with the existing local legislations and contractual terms pertaining to rental commitments.

  1. Disputes Regarding Rent Increases

Various discrepancies emerge relating to rental increment. Tenants might deem that as unlawful and impermissible hence creating frictional parameters between them and the landlord.

Resolution strategy

the la w has clear and prescribe rules for acceptable, permissible and enforceable rental adjustments. Should a tenant suspect that the potential hike is not compliant and do not reflect the rental annual index they should present their case to RDSC. Providing evidence from the well elaborated index. In addition, consulting a legal professional well conversant with tenancy law is recommended.

  1. Disputes Regarding security deposits

Disagreement over security deposits commonly occur especially when fueled by hefty and excessive deductions claimed by landlords to account for damages and repairs.

Resolution strategy

Resolving this kind of disputes requires both parties to refer to the contract. Move in and move out stages conditions of the property should be well documented. The RDSC which operates under Dubai land department has well laid out procedures to combat this kind of conflict and disagreements.

  1. Premature contract termination

Frequent wrangles emerge pertaining to early termination of tenancy agreements. Premature lease terminations mostly occur due to forfeiture of security deposits although other financial and personals reasons play key roles.

Resolution strategy

Most viable way to settle this kind of dispute involves reference to the contract which outlines notice periods. Both parties should review the contractual terms to avoid hefty penalties both parties need to negotiate on favorable early termination terms

  1. Property maintenance and repair disputes

Disputes over property upkeep repair and maintenance responsibility are frequently caused by negligence from both parties .in most cases the landlord might claim repairs are due to tenant’s misuse of property. while the tenant will claim that it is the landlord’s responsibility to be at per with maintenance and repair schemes.

Resolution strategy

Both parties should be well versed with legal classification of ‘urgent versus non urgent repairs under local law’. Tenant should keep record of maintenance and repairs while the landlord should make sure that these details are contained and well elaborated on the lease contract. If not, resolve the matter can be escalated to the Rental Dispute Settlement Centre. RDSC will then determine and enforce necessary repairs.

At Musaab Ali AlNaqbi Advocates & Legal Consultants, we are proud to be recognized as one of the best legal firm in Dubai. Our team of experienced Rental Dispute lawyers specializes in guiding clients through complex situations with precision and expertise. Let us help you navigate the legal landscape and achieve your business objectives seamlessly. Contact us today to experience the excellence and dedication that set us apart as leaders in the industry.

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